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Signal IOS版下载 Signal(隐私通信工具)for iphone v5.36.1 苹果手机版 下载-

Signal IOS版是一款适用于苹果手机端的隐私通信工具,最具特色的一点是不能查看历史记录,因为消息一发即焚,虽然不太方便,但是非常保密哦!感兴趣的朋友快来下载使用吧。


- 畅所欲言 - 最先进的端到端加密(由开源 Signal Prot ocol- 提供支持)确保会话安全。对 Signal 而言,隐私并非可有可无,而是必不可缺。每条消息、每次通话、每时每刻都应受到保护。

- 快速高效 -

Signal 可突破环境限制,实现高效运行。即使网速缓慢,也能快速可靠地收发消息。

- 自由随心 –

Signal 是一家完全独立的 501c3 非营利组织,其发展依赖广大用户的支持,使用过程不会受到广告侵扰。

- 做自己 –


- 清晰流畅 -


- 耳边私语 -


- 似曾相识 -

为每个联系人选择自定义铃声提醒,或完全禁用噪音。Simon & Garfunkel 在 1964 年创造了一首相关的热门歌曲。您也可以随时选择“无”作为通知铃声,体验“寂静之声”。

- 发挥您的想象 -



隐私是可能的,signal app使它变得容易。




signal app是一个安全增强文本消息应用程序,用于完全替代默认文本消息应用程序。无线发送给其他signal app用户的消息都经过加密,同时所有文本消息都存储在设备的加密数据库中。如果电话丢失或被盗,您的消息将保持安全,同时无法空中监控与其他signal app用户的无线通信。


版本 5.5.0

• This update improves the onboarding experience for new Signal users. If you’ve already been using Signal for a long time, feel free to invite a new friend and then ask them to tell you all about it.

• We made message processing significantly faster, so you can fly through your message backlog after your flight lands, or quickly power through what you missed while you were looking for a power outlet.

• We filled in the blanks with bug fixes for stickers and delivery receipt checkmarks that weren’t always appearing for some users.

版本 3.13.2

• You can now send and receive voice and video calls from your linked iPad.

• Sometimes your emojions just can’t be contained, so we’ve removed the message bubble on short emoji only messages.

• If boundless emoji aren’t enough, you can now send memoji and other stickers directly via the keyboard.

• Not everyone has earned the right to live in your address book, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to hear from you. You’ll now see all approved contacts as options when starting a new conversation or editing a group.

• Incoming calls will no longer ring your device when you haven’t approved the caller. They’ll be notified their call was rejected because you haven’t accepted their request.

• Now you can put a pin in PINs and disable them completely. This option is for advanced users who don't want to lose their ability to lose everything.

版本 3.12.4

• The badge count on the app icon now excludes new messages in muted threads and also gets updated when a thread is marked as unread. In other words, numbers after a mute point are a moot point, and you'll see a red "1" when you unread someone.

• Even though the changes are completely unrelated to fast money, the cache performance improvements in this release still help the app feel like a million bucks.

• In ancient times, you'd have to use stones or weights to keep the paper from curling up past where you wanted it to be, but these are modern times so we just added a feature that automatically maintains your scroll position.

• We updated the message retry user interface so it's easy to try again without trying your patience.

版本 3.11.1

• Additional optimizations to speed up message delivery and the overall feel of the app.

• Jump for joy instead of jumping for no reason. We fixed several bugs related to scrolling performance and behavior.

• What was it like when images in incoming photo albums were occasionally shown in the wrong sequence? What emotions did you experience when the badge count display sometimes didn't update? These questions are now both historical *and* rhetorical, because we fixed both of those bugs too.

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